Raise Your Hand If You Think You’re Creative!

Raise Your Hand If You Think You’re Creative!

If your hand is up, great! If it isn’t then let me convince you on why it should.

The term “creativity” can have a variation of meanings; however, every definition has one single underlying meaning: that is to have the ability of problem solving and individuality. It makes sense, right? No? Well, creativity does not stem from being artistically talented. It also takes into consideration having swift decision-making skills. For instance, you’re creative when deciding whether to wear a hat or spray your hair with dry shampoo in attempts to fix your bad hair day. Or as simply as finding a new way to hide the mess in your room without having to clean or just sweep it under the rug.

Not having great drawing skills does not impede you from expressing creativity. Whether it be written or vocal, ideas are appreciated in any way expressed. Next time you get the opportunity, ask your peers how to solve a problem and each will give you different advice. Some may be logical, and some may not, but no one answer will be identical to another. That is because creativity is innate. Unfortunately, some of us have had less luck reinforcing it, so try and express it more often – it has always been part of you!